RFID warehouse inventory tracking management applications

The RFID warehouse inventory tracking management has become a trendy thing. No matter for inventory control, access control, stock security, or quality management, RFID tags can track them throughout from manufacturing to sales.

What are the advantages of RFID used for inventory control, access control, stock security, and quality management?

The sure answer is: save time.

Time is money in this business society. To save time is to save additional money.

Over the past few years, the inventory of warehouses has had several problems: process inefficiencies, human errors, high labor costs, asset failure and theft, and little visibility in internal assets and updated data on time. Moreover, no specific description of liability is available. However, RFID asset tracking will eliminate the need for manual checks and counts, minimizing handling costs, claims, and deductions to a considerable degree. At the same time, operation time and person are registered, duty is clearly established, loss reduction is the best way to fight theft, and stock management is well-controlled.

The RFID device of RFID warehouse inventory system management:

The RFID tag is attached to the items of individual boxes or an entire pallet. At the entrance of the warehouse, there is an RFID reader with many RFID reader antennas. When the goods go through the channel, the RFID reader antenna can collect the signal from the RFID tag and transmits the information to a central database. The RFID warehouse management system can analyze the data.

RFID tags for inventory: The choice for RFID tags is according to what’s kind of items you are going to track. The material, working temperature, should be a durable or one-time use.

For metal material, have to use anti-metal material to make sure tags work well. If need high-temperature resistance, PPS high-temperature RFID tags, silicone RFID high-temperature tags, ceramic heat resistant RFID tag, or special plastic high-temperature RFID label are requested. For large quantities and cost-effective RFID label is a good choice.

RFID Reader Writer: The RFID Reader Writer used for RFID tag issuing, EPC rewrite, and data encoding.

RFID Reader: The RFID reader help collect the signal from the RFID tag and transmits the information to a central database.

If you don't know what’s kind of RFID Reader more suitable for your project, you can seek advice from our RFID reader suppliers& RFID tag supplier or take the following for reference:

125khz RFID reader/RFID tag with distance 5-10cm, it will not suitable for asset control, inventory management.

13.56mhz RFID reader/ RFID tag with the reading distance of 1-10cm, it uses for short read distance applications.

UHF long range RFID readers/RFID tags with the reading distance of 1-30meters. Its very right use for access control and inventory management.


Many factors affect the read distance

1. The size of RFID tags. Big size antenna usually has a long-distance than a smaller one even the chip is the same.

2. The material of items. For metal and liquid material, which would influence too much of the reading distance.

3. The power of the RFID reader.

4. The working environment, if there any interference of the magnetic field or in an open outside.

Finally, you need a test in your work field to get the exact range of RFID.)

RFID warehouse software: Inevitably, to get the RFID warehouse management done, you need the software. All of our RFID readers with free SKD for your development.

Let's see more applications about RFID warehouse inventory tracking management and other uses

Retail stock management:

For branded clothes stores, it is a tough task for controlling the inventory of products with hundreds or thousands of stores covered many places. However, once launched the project via an RFID tag, which has achieved positive results.

Each clothes attached an RFID tag with an encoded number at the company’s distribution center, every parcel pass-through a channel with RFID readers to confirm 100 percent accuracy. When they arrive at the store, the retailer reads all RFID tags on the items via a handheld RFID read.

Use RFID tag and RFID reader, you can do all work within 10 minutes or find the right items with limited time.

RFID use for Medical management:

RFID stickers are widely used in many hospitals for medical expire management. Make sure no device or drug expires until it can be used and that products are workable when needed.

With RFID technology, the hospital has real-time data about the medical stock, supplier, and expire data for each device.

With this RFID warehouse management system, it’s easy for the purchaser to know when should contact the supplier to make sure there is always enough medicine for patients. What’s more, reducing errors for shift workers if without a clear list.

RFID Jewelry inventory management:

Each jewelry store has to check their inventory every day to calculate the quantity. Some others may need tracking for all items. RFID jewelry tags and a handheld RFID reader are very important for RFID Jewelry inventory management.

If you are an owner of jewelry, just send them to display on others’ cabinet, and want to track them all the time, from the system you need to know how many have been sold out.

The RFID jewelry tags and fixed read with multiple RFID reader antennas kit is a perfect choice.

RFID technology for Manufacturing:

The RFID (radio frequency identification technology) is the most efficient solution for controlling its inventory and production line. Whenever the log transmitted by the conveyor, there stand by an RFID reader to collect the data. No need to worry about the speed, it always works well. Decreases the need for manual checks and counts and helps to create a more adaptable supply chain.

Usually, the manufacturers need to purchase various materials, there is the best solution to set an RFID gate, and stick an RFID tag on each item. Pallet items pass through the gate, your warehouse system collects all information. What’s more, an RFID handheld reader is needed, help you find the right items amount hundreds and thousands of items within minutes.

RFID warehouse is the best choice for asset tracking, vehicle inventory, and logistics.

Quickly locate critical equipment and reduce inventory time.

Update real-time inventory data file.

Deliver the accurate data file for decision making.

Improve security and prevent data leakage.

RFID parking system

RFID parking system and software is perfect for automatic parking control, get right of entry to manage, door entry systems parking lots, garages, campuses, gated communities, the automated opening of a barrier, gate.

RFID Parking system is based on RFID technologies that implement a 24-hour monitoring, automatic calculation of vacant slots, digital registration of in-out processes, access control.

The Parking Control RFID System features by mechanically opening gates and barriers exclusively for permit holders except for the want for remote controls and regardless of climate conditions.

RFID parking system is the permitted passage without stopping by RFID card. If you are using the proximity HF card and reader for your parking system, you have to stop to get a card on entering the gate and swipe a UHF card on the exit gate.

Our RFID UHF 860-960 MHz reader and UHF RFID tags with long read distance. They can help your RFID parking management definitely automatic that opens gates and parking barriers, without pressing any buttons or using any remote controls.

When a car approaches a gate or parking barrier, a tag is automatically identified by a reader that opens a gate or a barrier.

Long range UHF RFID reader can get specific information about the car and its owner. Parking lots, garages, campuses, and gated communities from long range RFID tags, then switch to your RFID Parking software.

The RFID readers can provide timely and accurate information of every vehicle entry into the lot and exit from the lot, including when payments are made, at what station, and how these payments are completed.

RFID for weighbridge monitoring application

The long range UHF RFID readers and RFID tags for an automated weighbridge monitoring solution, they able records and extracts weight data associated with vehicles when they drive through the weighbridge. When a truck arrives at the weighbridge, the unique RFID tag is recorded by long range RFID readers and upload to your server.

Automatic identification of vehicles and trailers on the weighbridge using RFID reader and RFID tag. This eliminates errors and speeds up the process. RFID accuracy is much higher than ANPR.

Registering vehicles on the system by scanning the license disks of vehicles using an RFID handheld scanner or fixed long range UHF RFID reader. This speeds up the process and eliminates errors.

Linking additional data to the weigh records such as Delivery Note Number, Driver Details, and seal numbers using an RFID handheld scanner. This substantially improves security when goods are released.

If the driver license, part numbers, pallet with RFID tag. By an RFID handheld scanner or fixed long range UHF RFID reader scanning these items, they are tracked and linked to the transaction record.

Our RFID reader can be fitted with GPRS/WIFI or utilize on-site Internet connections. This allows the transaction data to be automatically sent to your platform allowing all parties in the transaction to share the transaction data in real-time.

Contact the RFID supplier for any RFID products.

Long Range RFID Readers
UHF long range RFID reader
RFID clothes tag
ntag215 stickers
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MIFARE DESFire EV1 8k card
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MIFARE DESFire EV2 8k card