What is RFID bands ?

RFID band is RFID wristband or RFID bracelet that contains an 'RFID tag' made up of an RFID chip and antenna. The RFID tag can be in the form of a visible card (often made from plastic for durability) or it can be hidden or 'embedded' in other wristband materials like silicone, PVC, paper, and cloth.

RFID technology stands for Radio Frequency Identification, but what is that exactly?

RFID describes the method or process of transmitting the unique identity of a wristband (or any RFID-enabled object) using radio waves.

The RFID technology enables specialist RFID readers or 'scanners' to capture the data on an RFID tag and transmit it to a back-end computer system without the requirement for physical contact.

Not only does RFID technology help streamline the entry, but it also connects you with your audience on a new level. Transform every aspect of your event, hotel, or attraction.

Patrons no longer have to carry wallets, tickets, and personal information just to participate. Ticket-holders can enjoy the show with a feeling of freedom.

Join the ever-growing industries that are benefiting from the use of RFID technology. Chances are if you’ve visited a music festival, water park, hotel, or convention in the last couple of years, you've probably worn an RFID band.

RFID band benifits:

RFID band for Access Control

Secure your event. Improve the guest experience.

Eliminate ticket fraud, secure sensitive areas, and collect real-time traffic flow information — all while getting your guests in faster and safer with Access Control.

Improve Your Event’s Security by RFID band

Stop relying on humans to validate credentials. Machines do it better. With RFID band, your security won’t have to remember which color pass was for which day or which area. They’ll be free to do what they do best: keep your guests safe.

Eliminate Ticket Fraud by RFID band

RFID technology makes it impossible for scammers to forge your tickets or “pass-back” their credentials to get multiple people in. Most events we work with are shocked at how many instances of ticket fraud they were experiencing.

Use RFID band Speed Up Entry And Reduce Wait Times

UHF RFID bands can process up many people at one time. That means people can get into your event faster without sacrificing security. And you’ll have real-time traffic flow information and capacity counts at your fingertips.

RFID band for Cashless Payments

Let your guests connect their accounts to their RFID band so that they are automatically topped-up with funds and they never have to run out of cash. it will reduces transaction times.

Faster transactions: If you’re looking for ways to speed up your operations, then cashless payments are the way to go. According to research done by American Express, cashless payments are 63% faster than cash payments. This will cut down on lines and improve the overall guest experience.

Cut down on fraud: RFID bands are a great way to cut down on fraud at your events. If your attendees aren’t carrying around wads of cash, then there won’t be much to steal. RFID technology is secure, and once the wristband is deactivated, the payment system is disabled, as well.

Increase your revenue: RFID wristbands can help you increase the income earned at events. Data shows that the average customer transaction is 20% to 30% higher with cashless payments.

Obtain data on your attendees: Utilizing cashless payments will help you gain more data about your guests and event. You can see how many people attended the event, what the average transaction was, and what items were the most popular. This data will help you plan more efficiently for your next event.

RFID bands for Events or party

Due to the security, cost-saving, and revenue-increasing benefits of RFID band, many organizers are turning towards the technology to help optimize their events.

Since 2011, the live music industry, in particular, has adopted RFID technology inside concert wristbands to improve the experience for fans, increase security and open up new revenue streams.

Payments: wristband technology allows customers to pay without cash, similar to credit cards. Attendees can add their payment information to the RFID tag before the event.

Self-Check-In: RFID systems speed up the entry process since they can be pre-authorized before being sent to the customers, allowing them to check-in once they get to the premises.

Access Control: An RFID band can be scanned at the entrance, reducing the need of carrying tickets to participate in an event.

Real-Time Analytics: An RFID system can be of great help for organizers. They allow them to keep track of busy periods, queue times, and popular attractions.

Data TransferRFID scanners have an encoded radio signal that identifies the RFID tag, which is linked to a database with information about the customer.

Hotel Management: Used for payment, access control, and activity areas. A hotel on the Spanish island of Ibiza, known as the summer night bar capital of Europe, has introduced a new initiative: letting guests wear RFID bracelets. The wristband is not only a room card but also has a quick payment function. Guests can also upload pictures of the hotel and activities to Facebook with the help of RFID technology, which brings extraordinary exposure to the hotel and provides guests with a valuable interactive experience.

Medical Industry: Hospitals are used to accurately identify patients, to prevent medication and nursing errors, to avoid medical errors and medical disputes, and to improve efficiency and save lives.

Event Management: For concerts, sporting events, conferences, and other large-scale events, RFID wristbands are not only a smart and convenient ticket, but also play an important role in other aspects.

Entertainment Center Management: Recreational centers such as swimming pools, gyms, water parks, amusement parks, and theaters also prefer RFID wristbands. Because RFID wrist band can greatly improve work efficiency and management level, effectively eliminate financial loopholes, ensure the economic benefits of enterprises, and implement all-round real-time monitoring and management.

Earlier this year, a regional Disney World resort introduced RFID wristbands. Visitors can interact with the resort’s facilities by simply swiping their wristbands. This wristband could replace paper tickets, serve as hotel room keys, payment accounts, a quick queue to book, and record information about visitors’ interactions with cartoon characters and their locations, according to the report.

Campus Security Management: The RFID wristband can be written into the location function to know exactly when students arrive and leave school. When students are taken away from the campus under rape and coercion, or leave the school during school hours, the system will send out a warning to inform relevant personnel, do immediate management and disposal measures, effectively master the whereabouts of students, prevent students from being persecuted, so as to supervise the safety management of students.

Transportation Application: The RFID wrist band has a payment function, so it can be used directly as a bus or metro card. It is very convenient for transportation, and you don’t have to worry about losing it like a card.

Social Media Interaction: Customers can link their social media accounts to their wristbands, allowing organizers and brands to introduce their event and improves the wearer’s experience. Among other things, it enables them to check-in, like, and tweet.

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