Facial Recognition Thermometer that Works even with Coronavirus Masks

With the issues we are facing today with the coronavirus, many technology companies are looking for ways they can stay afloat, but some are looking for ways to use their technologies to help with the issue at hand. Our company develops the Facial Recognition Thermometer hardware, has adapted its technology to determine the temperature of individuals. Another company, we combining facial recognition with infrared thermography to realize close range, contactless facial recognition, and temperature detection. Importantly, both products primary purpose continues to work despite faces being obstructed by N95 coronavirus masks being worn. Putting these technologies to work in high-traffic locations to both identify ones identity to allow them entry while also checking for a fever is an interesting and clever way to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus.

How Does Facial Recognition Thermometer Work?

The facial recognition thermometer adopts multiple AI technologies that include contactless temperature measurement, mask detection, and facial recognition. This technology rapidly identifies people with a high fever. The temperature can be quickly measured within a range of 0.5-0.7m, with an accuracy of ±0.5℃. Those who have an abnormal temperature or not wearing a mask will be detected at sub-second speed, and the thermometer will automatically mark them down and start alarm mode. Based on the accurate thermal imaging temperature measurement, the facial recognition thermometer can detect the forehead temperature and quickly identify the information of the person with a mask. The display screen on the hardware will reflect the temperature in real-time, having the identity and temperature checked simultaneously to achieve the result in just seconds after scanning. The accurate recognition rate of this technology is 99.5%, allowing for very accurate scans, failing 1 out of every 200 face scans.

Should We Use Facial Recognition Thermometer?

In order to become infected with the coronavirus it takes coming in close contact with those infected with the virus. This contactless testing method is able to greatly reduce the probability of contact infections and give us the ability to detect temperature anomalies in advance of coming into contact with others.

However, limitations are that not all carriers of the Coronavirus have fevers nor do they present outward signs of the virus so this technology is not a panacea. However, it will help stop the spread of the virus in individuals with a fever, and it will help speed access control measures while also removing the inconvenience and risk of removing and replacing one's protective mask (touching one's face with unsensitized fingers spreads the virus).

we think we can make a significant difference in this fight against COVID-19.

Because our facial recognition thermometer enables the replacement of manual temperature measurement and personnel information check, making all-weather monitoring possible, achieving intelligent personnel management, information judgment, data upload, and related functions. This technology can not only reduce the risk of cross-infection but also improve traffic efficiency by more than 10 times, which will save time and reduce congestion. It is suitable for government, customs, airports, railway stations, enterprises, schools, communities, and other crowded public places.

Using this facial recognition technology in high traffic areas where those are being screened already is something the government or these institutions should take a look at. South Korea was very successful in reducing community transmission through a combination of rigorous testing and spot screening for fevers. This is definitely something companies and government entities should look into during this virus outbreak.